Sunday, September 02, 2007

Shaky Art Show

Art Show Rules
Originally uploaded by TreeBed
Shaky Tree saw its first Art Show this weekend... and an entertaining sight it was. There was a beautiful range of artwork, and plenty of creativity pumping through the Shaky Tree veins. Friday was the reception, complete with "Goodwill Formal" (or anything else fabulous) attire, snacks, drinks, and laughs.

This was the first, and most certainly won't be the last Art Show of Shaky Tree... I look forward to what the next show brings.


Smarty said...

I may always regret not seeing the Shaky Art Show. I think I had a reason... Hrmph.

Do you plan on using this blog much?

TreeBed said...

Oh... there will be other fun stuff of that nature!!!

And I do hope to keep up a little better on my blogging... I go in spurts ;-)