Saturday, December 16, 2006

Songwriter's Night

Tonight was a perfect example of the part a coffeehouse can play in a community, and what fun we had playing our part!!! Song writing is such a personal thing, but it really gets elevated to a new experience when you share it. Not all songs are perfect. However, those of us who write songs have some purpose for each creation... to interpret or explain something, outlet an emotion, tell a story... there are as many reasons to write a song as there are songs out there. When a community comes together to provide a safe place to share those songs... it is special. We connect with each other, and get to tap into other people's perspectives. I have yet to hear a song from a songwriter, who was authentically trying to express themselves, that I couldn't pull something from. I have sat through some lousy songs, and worse singers (of which I have been)... but if they are pouring out what was honestly in their heart, I felt some connection to it. We are not all rock stars. But we ALL have stories. We all have had joyful, and painful experiences. We are all connected to a common life experience, which we all see differently. And music is most certainly at the core of each of us. At Shaky Tree we hope to build a long tradition of giving a safe, respectful place to share those stories... so if you shared tonight, thank you... if you have some songs, or poetry or whatever, tucked away... think about how you might share it in the future. Perhaps your role is to sit and soak it all in... we have plenty of room for that as well (and listeners with open ears and hearts are hard to find these days... so we will take pride in having that at Shaky Tree). Thanks to all who came tonight, and those who weren't able... keep an eye out for next time... there will most certainly be a next time.

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